Friday, 10 April 2015

So where have i been...

Well Ladies and Gentlemen,
I know I am later back than I first thought and that is for one main reason, illness. As I said before I abruptly disappeared, I travelled with my hockey team to the heat-wave that is Spain... and let me put it this way... Spain is not forgiving on those that burn!
So I got to Spain and we played hockey (and won!!- Hurray!) and then I woke up on the third day and I could hardly move... I had three things! Firstly, I was burnt from top to toe and I don't mean a little red... I mean full on overnight blisters! This hurts.... like screaming with pain hurt!
Secondly I had sun stroke!!! Apparently the popular combination of alcohol and beautiful sunny weather doesn't agree with me and extreme dehydration and sun stroke... fun.
And here's the lingering part... I also have pneumonia... what I thought was a chesty cough has turned into hell and after blood tests and x-rays I'm now on course of treating this vile thing!
So with those three bed-ridden side-effects of Spain you would think I'd have read my entire bookshelf... nope... I have completed A song of Ice and Fire book #1 Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin. And what a corker to keep me going! I loved every page of this!
Now I have seen the T.V. series adaptation... and for once I am so happy with their adaptation... well done HBO! I will be posting a full book review and a adaptation review (probably separately!)
Now to read a few shorter books before tackling A Clash of Kings!
Loves x