Monday, 30 June 2014

A New Start...

okay lets face it I made a crappy blogger to start with... I did a book review and a TBR list but I never stuck to anything... I took part in a few readathons and they... well they blew up in my face... so i'm back and this time things are gonna be done a little differently.

  • I'm going to aim to put a blog up at least once a week; if there is a special event then additional blogs will probably be posted.
  • I'm going to be brutally honest when it comes to recording my reading activities... because lets face it... I'm a full time student who does a hobby for a living as well as writing a book the publishers want by the end of the year???? I don't always have the time to read 4 novels a week and get 1000 word reviews up on time!!!!!
  • If I don't read that week I'll post about what I have been doing... which may involve branching out into topics that are not reading related... such as cross stitch, writing and cooking.
  • I'll be relying on your feedback as to whether this more brutal approach is going to work....
Wish me luck everyone x


  1. You will be great, Helen! Just send me your e-mail and I can add you into the Book Bloggers Do It Better group on G+!

    1. Thanks Becca, I have messaged you through G+ but im not sure if ive done it properly???? I sound like a technical idiot but im still getting used to G+ because its all changing hehe x thank you for the encouragement and I hope I don't let anyone down x
