Tuesday, 15 July 2014

#BookTubeAThon Day 1: Success!!!!

So its late and I'm going to make this daily wrap up rather quick, so here's how they will work. Each day of the #BookTubeAThon I will post briefly stating what books I have read today, I total page count for the day as well as over goals completed. Then the Monday after the ##BookTubeAThon I will start compiling all of my reviews for each of the books as well as my experience of #BookTubeAThon.

Day 1:

At Midnight I began reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone; I completed just over 100 pages before going to sleep and then completed the book before 11am. The total amount of time spent reading Harry Potter was roughly 4 hours, for a total of 223 pages.

I decided that I want to spend majority of the day reading so I started Divergent straight away however after 50 pages I needed to stop as my niece received a wonderful award today to recognise her amazing academic achievements during the last year of school. However the moment I returned home I picked the book back up and read until it was complete. Total amount of time reading Divergent was approximately 5/6 hours, with a total of 487 pages.

#BookTubeAThon Stats:

Total Page Count for Today: 710 pages
Books complete today:         2
Books complete total:          2
Challenges completed today:
  • Read and Watch a book to movie adaptation; with Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
Challenges started:
  • To begin and finish a series; with Divergent as it is the start of the Divergent Trilogy which I aim to complete within the #BookTubeAThon

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