Thursday, 27 November 2014

'The Demon Trappers' Series review

'The Demon Trappers' Series by Jana Oliver
This series is designed for young adults who are mature and can understand difficult situations; I do not recommend this series for younger readers as it does deal with adult themes and emotions. However; its more about maturity rather than age.
'Kicking hell's ass one demon at a time'
So I'm not going to put spoilers because this is a really under-rated series that deserves its recognition in YA community; this is the story of a female demon hunter who doesn't kill demons but rather catches and sells them to people who do the dirty work per-sae.

Its been a while since I read these books; as I didn't have a blog when I read them and I am only now slowly getting through some of my recent reads to get up reviews about these books. However I can still relate to Riley as if I had just closed the final page and I can still understand her story.

As a whole this book was a formidable way to start a series; its action packed and full of adventure and emotions; there are parts that really deserve recognition for being unique as well as heart breaking.

The way this book ends reflects the comedy within this series as well as the over-arching plot which is totally bad ass.  

'Hell has a plan for Riley Blackthorne...'


Is it strange that the ultimate human side-kicks are called 'Simon'?

Forbidden is an exciting second instalment of the demon trappers series; its fast paced and full of world-saving action... literally.

You really begin to fully appreciate Jana's writing and character development in this book; scenes that a lot of writers would make really awkward and may even struggle floated off the page with Jana's writing.

Riley, as well as her love and other characters who started as 'background' characters really came into their own in this book; in particular other demon trappers as well as Simon.

In this book I think Jana captures the relationship between parents and their children perfectly; the awkward love when they are there and the desperate need when they are taken... what child wouldn't fight to get back their only parent? This unique relationship begs for an audience who can appreciate this bond as well as deal with difficult decisions.

'The stakes are high when you bet on your soul...'

The plot has truly come alive at this point; if you thought the first two books kept you up reading all night you better pack lots of coffee because this ones even better!
This book in particular explores perceptions of heaven and hell in a way that the audience can both understand as well as appreciate. Where heaven isn't based on the perfect ideology of happiness and peace but rather its a constant battle ground which is in constant need for soldiers.
Forgiven I believe looks more at her relationship with Beck; another demon trapper who has been there for her since day one! In the final books there relationship develops and Riley starts to come alive in herself.
The end of this book demonstrates how Riley has developed into both a strong and loving character that can still pull a smile onto your face when your questioning whether their world will survive.

'The end is most definitely nigh...'
This is how to end a series! I'm not going to talk much about the final book because my love is too strong and I am not going to spoil anyone...
Everything is questioned in this book and you truly learn the many faces of good and evil and how they can be confused... easily.
JUST READ IT!!!!!!!!!
As you can imagine I give this series a very solid 5/5 stars and cannot wait to re-read this series. Please show your support for under-rated writers and novels because they are suffering from other books being over-hyped (even when most do not deserve the hype!).

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