Shopaholic #2
Author: Sophie Kinsella
Page Count: 351
Star Rating: 4 Stars!
So…book number 2! Another witty, engaging book from Sophie. Here, the now (in)famous Becky has hooked up with Luke, and they are moving to New York!!! The land of shopping, the Mecca of shopaholics everywhere! When Becky and Luke visit New York on a ‘get to know the city’ expedition for Becky (as well as a few job interviews and meeting for American TV), and a long haul of meetings for Luke, Becky goes on a guided tour…for a bit. Once she’s seen the shops, though, she’s off…buying herself a new handbag, ridiculous amounts of make-up, and some random homemade greetings cards etc. (because let’s face it, foreign money ain’t the same as real money, is it?). Nay mind, though, eh?
But, shock horror! Someone has been following Becky! News hits the UK that Becky is an irresponsible shopper, owing huge amounts not dissimilar to the national debt…but who is the culprit? None other than Alicia Bitch Long Legs (obviously). I’m not gonna spoil things, but suffice to say that, naturally, Luke and Becky argue, and Becky goes home to the UK. But returning to Luke’s company, Becky can’t help feeling that something’s amiss…here comes the heroine to save the day!
Becky does move to New York eventually, but on whose terms? And does she go alone?
This may sound like your run-of-the-mill, totally predictable book, but I have to say, it is so worth the read! Once again, Sophie Kinsella makes us believe that Becky is our BFF (despite that we wanna scream at her silly mistakes!).
Now, I know Becky is the protagonist here, and I love her to bits, I really do. But the funniest character throughout this book has got to be…*drum roll*…John Gavin, Becky’s new bank manager. OK, so we’re supposed to hate him, but he is such a dry guy. For instance, the absolutely funniest thing in the WHOLE book has gotta be this:
“Thank you for your letter of 4 September, addressed to Sweetie Smeathie, in which you ask him to rush through an extension of your overdraft ‘before the new guy arrives’.
I am the new guy.”
This book is a natural progression from The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic, and manages to get through many more antics without losing its humour and style. Drawing us into Becky’s world seems to come naturally to Sophie, who writes with sheer charm. Definitely a cracker.
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