Thursday, 17 September 2015

Day 005: NaNoWriMo Prepping!

Hello my lovely readers,

Well today I don't bring you a crappy little clipping of a story/ scene/ random collaboration of sentences and bring you the first instalment of my NaNoWriMo 2015 prep.

Okay, today isn't the first time I have worked on this particular idea in the past couple of days... its basically all I've worked on, hence the crappy start to Challenge 100. But it will not be in vein.

I have drafted out a plan. This plan is of epic proportions and will hopefully produce a heaping pile of 50,000 half usable words by the end of November. Well to tell you the truth there is already 1000 words of prep (on storyline only... a lot more if you include character prep... but more on that in a later post!), which you will (hopefully) know, that I wont be counting towards NaNoWriMo word goal!

So I have started my idea, I got the basic outline ready and today I started using two outlining methods... because I be crazy like that. Firstly the snow-flaking method and secondly a 3 act, 9 block, 27 chapter set-up. There are loads of really useful explanations out there on youtube, in particular check out Katytastic ( for the 3 Act set-up using Scrivner and Catrina of The Little Book Owl ( for the snowflake method.

They work surprisingly well together!

More about this later next month.

So my little synopsis of what to expect of my novel during the month of November:

Introducing Princess Cinderella, who when faced with marrying Prince Chaldry in order to ensure peace between two kingdoms, refuses. After always feeling weak because of her amputation, Cinderella decides that it is about time she stood her ground and says that she is not marrying for anything but love. She didn't expect to be kidnapped for saying no... nor did she expect to be turned into a slave for the Prince's twin sisters; one of whom Cinderella begins to feel more emotions than she had ever felt before. However, a beautiful face doesn't mean a beautiful heart and the sisters have something in stall for Cinderella; unless someone can get her away in time... that's if she even wants to leave.

*** Obviously names and other details are subject to change and I would really appreciate respect for my idea and for no-one to use this for their novel (common courtesy and all that jazz) ***

If you would like to here more about my fairy-tale retelling then don't forget to hit the follow button, let me know you like it with the +1 button and pop me a comment below.

I would love to hear about your ideas for NaNoWriMo, if your brave enough to share.

Loves, Helen x

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