Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Bout of Books 11.0- Day 2

So today has pretty much been a face in book day; I've hardly moved from my reading spaces and all the hours of seclusion in my books have been worth it... today was even better than yesterday. It started early this morning...

So I decided to pick up 'Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth' by Rick Riordan; being only 67 pages left I wanted to complete it before the morning was over; it took just over an hour to read but it was worth it. As the pages flew by I started wondering to myself why I had struggled for so long to finish this book? I still don't know but the ending of the book made my heart swell. I will be posting a review soon.

Well I immediately had to read 'Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian' by Rick Riordan; at first I was debating whether it would be a good read, I didn't want the series to end on a dull note... but Riordan made it heart fluttering and full of action. It ended the series perfectly and I am looking forward to writing the review for both this book and a full series review. Total page count for this book was 361 pages.

I finished the Last Olympian mid-afternoon and needed to delve into another book to make the most of the reading time I had; so I picked up 'The Coldest Girl in Coldtown' by Holly Black. It is now past 1am and I have just stopped reading to put an update for today; although I haven't managed to complete this book yet I have read 349 pages but I have mixed feelings towards the book as a whole. I'll explore these more when I do my review.

Read-a-thon stats:
Total books read: 4
Total books started: 2
Books left to complete (on TBR): 5
Total pages today: 777 pages
Total pages so far: 1380 / 2667
I hope everyone is having a wonderful read-a-thon... cant wait to see all of your progress.
Happy reading,
Helen x

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