Saturday, 16 August 2014

Charity shops.... a book lovers dream... yes... another haul!!!!!!!

Okay so not all these books were bought by me... nine were bought by my mom and the other four were bought by me. Every book in this haul was bought from a charity shop and every book cost less than a pound... which is the reason I bought many as I haven't heard a single thing about them????

I shall start with the books I bought myself...

'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' by Larsson
I picked this up because I have been desperate to read the books since watching the movie. True I didn't find the movie that appealing however I saw that the story had potential as most book lovers will agree, the book is nearly always better. I am hoping to get the rest of this renowned trilogy as and when they cross my path.

'Devil Bones' by Kathy Reichs
"In the dark cellar, a ritualistic display is revealed. A human skull rests on a cauldron, surrounded by slain chickens and bizarre figurines. Beads and antlers dangle overhead." This is part of the blurb; I cannot admit that the blurb is purely what drew me to this book but rather its relation to one of my favourite T.V. series 'Bones'; it follows the same main character as the T.V. series Temperance Brennan who has inspired me to follow my educational path since I was younger. And then I learnt that there were many many companion novels to these... so now I have started to mission to collect and read them all.

'Cursed' and 'Ravaged' by David Wellington
I walked into the British Heart Foundation; as one of my local charity shops and found a complete duology selling for £1 for both books... what crazy person would pass a deal like that. True it was clear that all the books had been read before; but I was buying them out of a charity shop and I wasn't expecting brand new. But then I read the blurb on the back of 'cursed' and now I'm hooked.. 'There's one sound a woman doesn't want to hear when she's lost and alone in the Arctic wilderness: A Howl'... I haven't read a good werewolf story in a while... now I'm excited. 
Now onto the books my darling mommy bought me; she moans I have too many books and continues to buy them.
'Bones of the Lost' by Kathy Reichs
Well we all knew that the moment I sunk my teeth into the other Dr Temperance Brennan book I needed more; so when we found the newest book in a charity shop and the spine has not damage what so ever I begged until she bought it. The blurb is extremely mysterious; mentioning places abroad as well as a hint of history linked to the story... this will be intriguing.

'Inisgnia' by S.J. Kincaid
This book is based on World War 3 which is set in Space and when a recruit starts questioning things terrible and dark things start to happen. A tale of teenage combatants, virtual reality, spies and corruption... I think that is one hell of a mix.

'Grinny' by Nicholas Fisk
This is infact a bind-up of 'Grinny' and its sequel 'You remember me', however I don't know much about this book im afraid and the blurb gives nothing away expect the main character is an 11 year old boy who holds the fate of the world in his hands.  Can he handle it?

'Lance of Truth' and Crown of Dreams' by Katherine Roberts
These are books 2 and 3 of the Pendragon legacy; I now have to find the first book and the last so I can begin reading this fantasy series. All I can tell from the blurb is this; it is set in King Arthur's era and his daughter is battling great and terrible foes to protect the kingdom. I'm interested in seeing how this story is different and unique from other Excalibur tales.

'VIII' by 'H.M. Castor
I shall simply state the blurb and you can determine your own judgments of the book:
'VIII is the story of Hal; a young, handsome,
 gifted warrior, who believes he has been chosen
 to lead his people. But he is plagued by the
 ghosts of his family's violent past and, once
 he rises to power, he turns to murder and
 rapacious cruelty. He is Henry VIII.'

'The Elites' by Natasha Ngan
A book about fighting social norms in the perfect fantasy setting; but I think this book will go deeper than that. I must admit that I am quite looking forward to reading this book.

'Sweet Venom' by Tera Lynn Childs
'Meet Gracem Gretchen and Greer- three teenage decendants of Medusa who must embrace their fates in a world where mythological monsters lurk in plain sight'... oh my I've been looking for another mythical creatures and Greek Gods book to sink my teeth into. So excited!!!

'Secrets and Sapphires' by Leila Rasheed
The start to a historical contemporary I believe; this isn't my first choice of genre however I am determined to branch out more in my reading and this means adding some contemporaries to my reading. Lets hope this series is a good place to start...

Would you recommend any of these books? Have you read any of them or have a review? I would love to check it out before delving in.

Happy Reading
Helen x


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