How was your January? I hope it was more productive than my own, with exams, deadlines and illness I havent managed to finish a single book... unless you count textbooks...

However I have bought a proverbial mountain of books so once they have all arrived I will be doing a book haul post but also hopefully a video for my booktube debut... so wish me luck.
I have three set aims and then several 'if I finish those' choices; I think this will be how I set out my TBR posts in the future, as with my schedule and other commitments I cant guarentee my reading will be consistently high. :-(
My first aim for Februaryis to complete Heir of Fire by Sarah J Maas, I am in love with this book and its starting to really annoy and pain me that i havent finished this beautiful book yet. Im about half way through and aim to finish this within the first few days of February (by that I mean today).

My final aim is to take part in the first part of the #yearofcosmere by reading the first mistborn novel, 'the final empire' by Brandon Sanderson; since starting the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J Maas by love for all things high fantasy as grown beyond belief, so when I was browsing YouTube and found this year long read-a-long I knew I wanted to join. The mistborn trilogy is part of my huge book haul for January, however plan on picking up more of his books as we get to them; if you want to know more about this read-a-long then please watch:
#YearofCosmere Readalong Announcement!:
So my more flexible aims for this month; if I complete these books I will be happy, even though they are all technically rereads form. I started this series when I was in school, and although I can remember most of what happened I want to finish this series this year. The final installment was released at the end of last year and it spurred me into making it one of my goals of 2015, The House of Night series is a 12 novel, 4+ novella series making it the longest series I own. I have read the first 6 in the series but like ive mentioned that was a long time ago and a reread is in order.
So my flexi-aims books are 'Marked', 'Betrayed' and 'Chosen' by P.C. Cast and Kristen Cast, they are quite short books, averaging at just under 300 pages each so hopefully ill be able to squeeze them in. This series will be my flexi-monthly goals until its complete, if I can get more read than these it will make February a very good reading month.
Finally, to top everything off I would love to here what you think:
- What books are on your TBR pile this month?
- Which of these would you like to see a review on?
Happy reading, and please dont forget to click the like, follow and leave a comment
Helen x
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