My first thoughts of the book:
I think the way this book is written overall does the series justice; although its not my favourite instalment it is amazing and kept me awake many nights wondering what is going to happen to all the characters I have loved from the beginning and those that have only just been introduced. I cannot wait for the next part! There were overall awesomeness in this novel; but I have some minor issues.
Introducing new characters:
There were several new characters introduced in this instalment of the 'Throne of Glass series'; two of the main new characters were Mamon, the grand-daughter of the witch Queen and Rowan a hot distant relation of Caelena. But I have issues with how these characters were portrayed.
Mamon had a blunt introduction to the leading force of the witches clans wasn't excellent, it took several pages to realise that this wasn't a character we had encountered before and several of her dedicated chapters to get an actual feel for her. It was almost like we were meant to have met her in the last book but it had been removed?
Rowan; I am in love with the character, I think we could have done with at least a few chapters from Rowans POV, maybe seeing Caelena from the outside and see him from the inside... maybe this would be something Sarah would consider for a novella maybe? Even with this lack of insight this Rowan is my favourite character of this book... he is so loyal and so determined to teach her *even if he enjoys beating the crapola out of her*. He is so sassy, so in your face and god-damn hunky *totally not my fictional boyfriend* and I really need him in later books!
Overall storyline:
I think there were some major developments in this chapter of the series; there was a lot of information thrown at the readers, some were really well worked into the storyline but some felt like information was being included for the sake of being included.
The pace of the overall storyline varied and unlike most fantasy novels it wasn't in the middle but right at the beginning where the pace was at its worse; however this may be because I was in a reading slump because of University work. I found it hardest to get through the first 200 pages but the moment I passed this I couldn't put the book down. I was worried when I started reading about Caelena's training because it was beginning to feel repetitive 'I'm no good', 'I'll never be any good' and the overall feeling of worthlessness was drummed in for so long that I was beginning to feel fed up of her overall attitude... so much self hate. And because of this when the battle scene came you knew there was going to be a moment of realisation and I think that really took away from the overall intensity of the final battle; which was a shame because it was so beautifully written.
The end of the book also left a lot more questions, I know there will be more instalments and of course you need material to continue in those books; but when the books finishes similar to the previous book (with Caelena leaving the characters and travelling to somewhere different with no plan- leaving the people who have grown to love her with no hope of peace or even being able to answer their questions- she just leaves with no emotion) and a lot of the questions that were really building up are left with no answers; for example there was nothing really done about the bodies or the army and three Princes... so many questions and unless we get chapters from Rowan's point of view in the next book answering this question this whole element of the storyline just seems to wash away.
Even though I feel that I have criticised a lot of elements of 'Heir of Fire' it will be one of the best books I read this year, it changed my views on my own weaknesses and fears and how these might influence those around me. Sarah took us under her wings to guide us through the uncertain times this book had and bought us to another tear jerker ending and a edge of seat wait till the next installment... I am desperate to know what is happening to this world and how they plan on tackling the many sub-storylines.
If you liked this book...
The Queen of Tearling by Erika Johanson; I have read this and it took a long time *and still does* to be able to define these two separate series. I highly recommend this book! Keep an eye out for the review!
Gracling by Kristin Cashore is another that is highly recommended book which is acclaimed (according to reviews); and this is on my TBR for March!
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