Now I know I have done a similar post to this at the very beginning but times have changed and I am determined to be a better blogger and that involves a little self disclosure.
So here are 10 facts about me:

2. Im an avid reader (obviously) but I spend more time reading textbooks and delving into research papers than a good YA these days (but this is slowly changing).
3. I have 13 novels completed on my computer... none of which I would be happy about sending to a publishers... yet!
4. I play for a really bad hockey team.
5. I want to work with child criminals as my dream job.
6. I'm an avid cross stitcher because it calms me down, I've almost completed my largest project yet.
7. I'm a nerd, I watch the entire harry potter, lord of the rings, hobbit and twilight series at least once a week while im working.
8. I can recite the first two chapters of harry potter and the philosopher's stone without the book, and yes its word for word.... I will conquer the entire series eventually!
9. I spend more time in the university library than I do at home... even though it contains only textbooksand no fictional books.
10. I'm addicted to buying books, I go on a book buying ban and end up buying more books than when im not on a book buying ban... also I buy the most books when im stressed.
So there are 10 facts about me that you may not know... looking back at my first few posts I notice a lot has changed about how I do things and I want to keep developing these skills to become a better blogger and give my experiences to others.
But I want to know about you... leave me a comment down below telling me one fact about you... it can be anything. I'd love to get to know my readers.
What is your fact about yourself?